-+ medtraining.org
of Care
MTS Point of Care Competency Assessment is an online, image-based system designed to streamline the competency assessment process for staff performing waived tests, performing microsocpy procedures (PPMP), and using point of care instruments.

POCT Coordinators spend valuable time..

  • Sourcing samples and creating tests
  • Distributing and collecting test materials
  • Finding and reminding participants
  • Documenting and grading results

MTS Point of Care Competency Assessment addresses these issues with...

  • High quality digital images - new test questions in each topic are published biannually
  • Simple test interfaces - multiple choice format that's easy to navigate
  • Automated Email Notifications - 1-click sends reminders to providers
  • Automated Login for Providers - Email Notifications provide an autologin link. The provider simply clicks on this link to go directly to their test menu.
  • Real-time monitoring of test completions and documentation for inspectors - use the Reporting feature to track progress and to generate printable reports
Test topics are available for both PPMP (Provider Performed Microscopy Procedures) and for waived test kits and POC instruments. Or create your own facility specific tests using the Custom Competency Assessment tool.

View Competency Test List

Document Tracking

  • Upload your custom training documents, Power Points, or SOPs
  • Optionally, create your own quiz or request a read receipt
  • Assign and track completion status
  • Create and track document versions